what is a griffin

Griffindor Hemmingway

I thought he was going to die two weeks ago
and today he caught a baby Opossum in the forest rain and then I was the one that almost died lol

The vet has no idea what happened, and it was $2000 to just have him leave with a little shaved belly and a very worried mom (me)
Knowing it was a lot of stress to leave Mexico the way we did
and it was a 5/5 full moon eclipse in Scorpio.

What I do know
Is that this precious being
is my angel, protector, and Griffin -

to travel with him in this van is the greatest gift.

We have been on the road for 7 and a half months - East, West, South, North … and although I have mom-guilt moments when we have long drives and no outdoor access

He is the happiest when he is outside
Climbing a tree
Finding a new spot to mark as his territory
Just like a Tiger would
(and should)

And I am the greatest mom because I allow him to not just be a cat
But I let him be a Tiger. : )

Cats may be domesticated, but there is a wild gene in them that can’t be tamed
Unless you feed them with shit Friskie cans and gluten
Which always made Griff puke or fall asleep

Change their diet , change their genes
Just like us humans <3

Here are all my photos I love of him, just because that is what is on my heart today.

PS: Learn about the Griffin here or here!


to be open


to be a creator