full heart

On Twitter today I was tagged in 4 photos of me
half - naked.

I love zooming out in my every day motions
like a bird* above my head
observing how certain
situations, interactions, comments,
or in this case tweets
seeing how they sit in my body…
how does my body react?

(* Today my bird is EAGLE. I am in the World Capitol of Eagles after all.)

Am I:

leaning forward
hunching shoulders
moving back
crossing arms
looking small
looking BIG
holding my breath

Or maybe …
simply STILL.

As I stare at these photos,
each photo taken at an apartment I once called Home
and an island I called Home, too….


And this is a good feeling.

I’ve been fascinated with the psychology, methodology, and if I dare say it… physiology of

or using one’s

or Self

to make the world a better place.

And while I will get back to my half naked photos shortly,
and how this has anything to do with HEART…
I need to take you down a rabbit hole with me.

To understand my role as an “influencer”,
to understand how I move forward speaking what is on my heart
and to stay in full integrity of my being

I have turned to The Gene Keys.
This is a branch of the Human Design system, which is too complicated for this blog post (but spoken about in my podcast Meathead Hippie®) and is a book or transmission by Richard Rudd that I coudn’t recommend more.

There are 2 primary Gene Keys I am studying around this topic:
The 31st Gene Key & The 35th Gene Key
But today I just want to focus on the 31st.

GENE KEYS 1-0-1 :

Simply put,
every Gene Key
or number associated with the IChing
( there are 64 total! )
hold a:



the Shadow is the lowest frequency
the Gift is the middle
the Siddhi is the transcendence.

And our goal as humans
good humans
light workers
is to

Learn from the Shadow
Grow with the Gift
Become the SIDDHI

So as I turn this morning after my meditation to read GENE KEY 31,
then soon after to see my Em - body shots
I am left with a few things I wish to share
sharing your voice:

  1. The Shadow is using cognitive words to control or manipulate others - an arrogance that comes from the belief that we have any independent control over reality, instead of realizing just how limiting our intellect is.

  2. The Gift is a Leadership that arrises within.. moving into a heart-centered space, we see that is our dependency on our intellect that is limiting. There is a desire to help others “break out of the very same matrix in which you yourself were once caught” , and it is our natural urge to help others escape the same suffering that we ourselves have once been prisoners of.

  3. The Siddhi , the ultimate target in which we aim for, is when it becomes the most interesting. To tap into the Siddhi means that we cease to have an agenda. There are words still said, and consciousness still embodied or voiced, but without any attachment to the outcome. It is said because it needed to be said, it was expression embodied, and then just like it came… it is released back to where it came from.

If I look back at these photos of me very half-naked,

I am reminded to forgive myself for any of #1, or the shadow, for I believed that I had plenty of control of reality…

And to appreciate and recognize that I have spent most of my time in #2 -

going through something hard or uncomfortable, and wishing more than ever to help prevent others in the same path

maybe to “show the way” so that they can break free - getting closer and closer to the truth!

But, here we are. A new Emily, a new life, a new beginning, and it is clear my eyes are on the target of #3.

For to have no agenda is true freedom, and the more you taste that genuine freedom , the more sensitive you are to anything that is mock, faux, or pretend.

Sending all my love from the bottom of a waterfall in
Squamish, BC.




start a fire


to be open