let the rain purify

This was from my most recent newsletter,
which you can find and sign up for HERE. <3

The rain is pouring upon my windshield and the thunder I hear feels so close it is as if there is a train track in the sky … and the train is making sure I don’t miss it. 

“This feels like a good time to write an email,” I think.

Earlier this morning I found the most wonderful used book shop and stopped myself at purchasing 7 books. ranging from water rights and ecological invasion to a book from 1989 on developing my psychic abilities… Since it is the 8th of the month (and you know how I feel about 8s) I might go back for just 1 more. 

montana <3

The adventure of life in a van continues. I am headed South back to Denver, writing blogs almost daily (thank you gemini sun!), and finally back on my supplement routine because I've been out of stock for lord knows how long.  

Well, I know exactly how long, because it is my company. And LORD, am I grateful for getting through that hump. This is 1 of the 7 companies I have created, all 7 which I have at some point adored and all which I have at some point called Hocruxes… which if you know Harry Potter you know isn’t great LOL. 

It’s a funny thing to be a human. We get to create anything, and we get to do it in exactly our own way. And we learn SO DAMN MUCH about ourselves when we do it.

If we cared more about the process of who we become in the creation of things and less about how people perceive our work, we would all be more fulfilled!

magnesium back in stock helping me sleep so sound


called to the ocean and to the wind

There is something to be said about going a period of time without a supplement (example: Tri-Mag!) and then having it back in your life. It is ALWAYS a moment of “wow… this shit really does work”, but you know it works and I know it works already! It’s my job to make sure you have a reliable source with no crap ingredients so that your cells stay happy and your body feels stable. 

But the truth is, it’s been a TRIP. A hard trip, for the more things fell a part the harder I would try to put them back together. 

It’s like my favorite coffee mug from my Aunt Sue that says “I think I’ll just be happy today”… Sometimes while I am driving my van, shit just flies all over the place… Somehow a supplement bottle landed on this mug so hard that it cracked the whole thing. 

BUT.. It wasn’t a full crack, just a partial and lethal crack, kinda like the water is leaking from the sky as I type. 

In order to fix this mug I can’t just put a bandaid on it, and we both know duct tape won’t work. To fix this mug (this mug I love so much from my dear Aunt Sue) I need to break it completely. 

The hail just started… I shall get to the point. 

Will you break completely in order to be filled back up? 

I know I will.
Again and again. 
As many times as it takes to be the vessel
of whatever delicious nectar is mine to hold.

And I hope I overfill
and pour out all over,
then you can get some of this nectar, too.

There is nothing more and nothing less
than the loving of self
and growth we obtain
each and every day

trusting the process
and doing what you can
with what you got
serving others
& sharing your heart.




my wild cat LOL


paradise valley


things took a turn